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How to grow plant cuttings - The secret to successful propagation
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How to grow plant cuttings - The secret to successful propagation

Growing plant cuttings in water is an easy and inexpensive way to propagate your favourite plants. Not only is it a cost-effective method, but it also allows you to create new plants from existing ones, making it an excellent way to expand your plant collection. In this blog post, we'll explore the process of growing plant cuttings in water, focusing on Aroid plants and water propagation.

What is Water Propagation?

Water propagation is the process of growing plant cuttings in water until they develop roots, and can then be transplanted to the soil. This method of propagation is suitable for a wide range of plants, including Aroid plants. Aroid plants are a family of tropical plants that include well-known species such as Davil's Ivy (pothos), philodendrons, monsteras and Anthuriums.

Water propagation is an excellent method for propagating Aroid plants because these plants are naturally epiphytic. This means that they grow on other plants, such as trees, and do not require soil to grow. As a result, Aroid plants can be easily propagated in water, making them an excellent option for indoor gardeners looking to expand their plant collection.

How to Grow Plant Cuttings in Water

To grow plant cuttings in water, you will need a sharp pair of scissors or snips, a container filled with water, and rooting hormone (optional). Follow these steps to grow plant cuttings in water:

Step 1: Choose Your Cutting

Choose a healthy stem from your plant with at least two nodes (the points where leaves or buds grow). The stem should be about 10 to 15 centimetres long and should not have any flowers or buds.

Choose your cutting

Step 2: Prepare the Cutting

Using sharp scissors or snips, cut the stem at a 45-degree angle just below a node. Remove any leaves from the bottom inch of the stem.

Prepare your cutting

Step 3: Place the Cutting in Water

Fill a container with water and place the cutting in the water, ensuring that the bottom three centimetres of the stem are submerged. Use a clear glass container to see the roots grow. Remember to snip any leaves that end up under the water so they don’t rot.

place cutting in water

Step 4: Change the Water

Use a watering can to change the water every few days to keep it fresh and oxygenated. This will help prevent the growth of bacteria and keep your cutting healthy.

Snip any leaves

Step 5: Wait for Roots to Grow

After a few weeks, you will see roots growing from the bottom of the stem. Once the roots are about three centimetres long, you can transplant the cutting to the soil.

Step 6: Transplant to Soil

Carefully remove the cutting from the water and plant it in a pot filled with good-quality potting soil. Water the plant thoroughly and place it in a warm, bright location but without direct sun.

Ensure 3cm are in water

Tips for Growing Aroid Plants in Water

Aroid plants are particularly well-suited to water propagation because they are naturally epiphytic. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure your cuttings grow into healthy plants.

Use Fresh Water

Make sure to use fresh water when growing Aroid plants in water. Stagnant water can quickly become contaminated with bacteria and fungi, which can harm your plant cuttings.

Add Rooting Hormone (Optional)

You can use rooting hormone to encourage the growth of roots in your plant cuttings. This is particularly useful if you are having trouble getting your cuttings to root. However, rooting hormone is not essential, and many Aroid plants will root without it.

Choose the Right Container

When growing Aroid plants in water, it is best to use a clear container so that you can see the roots growing. This will help you determine when your cuttings are ready to be transplanted to soil.

Bonus: Keeping the plants in water

Plants can stay in water for a prolonged period of time. However, the longer the plant cutting is left in water, the more vulnerable the plant becomes, as water has little nutrients. You can keep your plant protected by changing its water regularly and adding a small amount of fertiliser each month.

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