Care instructions
Light: low to lots of natural light but no direct sun.
Watering: fill the outer pot with approximately 2 cm of water and refill when the water runs out. Don't worry if you forget to refill for a few days as the plant enjoys a wet-dry cycle. Palms like moist soil but not soggy, so waiting a few days before refilling is recommended.
Re-potting: Parlour Palms grow slowly and will not need to be re-potted for a while. However, if roots start to peek through the bottom hole, it may be a sign that re-potting is needed.
Buy a new pot from your nearest retailer or order one here (consider a larger vessel to give the plant room to grow).
Insert the wick into the new pot and fill a third of the insert with well-drained soil.
Extract the overgrown plant with the soil and use your fingers to split the main plant into several small bunches. Now, position the new plant in the centre and cover the roots with more soil. Gently tap the inner cup on the table to compact the soil and eliminate air pockets (use a cloth to ensure the glass is not damaged). Repeat the same method for the other plants you split. You can see more detailed instructions here.
Sad plant indicators
Brown tips: There are several reasons why the tips of the fronds turn brown. They may be the result of too much fertiliser or not enough moisture. It may also relate to the plant’s position. Make sure that you position the plant in a warm place with lots of natural light, but not exposed to direct sunlight. Use a mister to spray your Palm occasionally with demineralised water. From time to time fronds will dry naturally and can be cut from the bottom using a pair of scissors.
Scale insects: Most species of scale develop a waxy covering on the fronds. Look out for withered and yellowing leaves or honeydew residue, which means that the plant may also be exposed to a mouldy fungus.
Physically removing the scale is the easiest way to control a limited infestation. Insecticidal sprays may be effective if the infestation persists, but trying to catch the insects early is key to a quick recovery. Use a pair of scissors to cut a diseased frond, but only if there are more than three fronds on the plant.