Sweet Basil is one of the world’s most popular condiments and has been a staple of many cuisines since ancient times. The herb is believed to have originated in India and expanded to almost every corner of the world thanks to its sweet smell and flavour. In addition to culinary uses, Basil is also used in incense, perfumes and holistic therapies. Research found that Basil holds powerful antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.
Plant Care
Light: Grow in half-shade, with a few hours of direct sun each day. You may also grow them on the kitchen bench or a windowsill.
Watering: Basil love water and will look sad quickly if not properly hydrated. Fill the outer pot with approximately 2 cm of water and refill when the water runs out.
Soil: Use high-quality potting mix. The soil should be moist but not soggy. Source a good-quality potting soil from a local supplier or use our special mix.
Re-potting: Your Basil may need to be re-potted if you grow it from seed. When the time comes, follow these simple instructions.
- Buy a new pot from your nearest retailer or order online (consider purchasing a larger vessel to give the plant room to grow).
- Insert the wick into the new pot and fill a third of the insert with high-quality potting mix.
- Extract the overgrown plants with their soil and use your fingers to split each shoot to be re-potted in multiple pots.
- Now, position each new plant in the centre of the new pot and cover the roots with more soil. Gently tap the inner cup on the table to compact the soil and eliminate air pockets (use a cloth to ensure the glass is not damaged). Repeat the same method for the pups. You can see more detailed instructions here.
My plant looks sad. What to do?
Be sure that it has enough water. In warm weather this may mean that you have to top up the water on a weekly basis.
I found black spots on the leaves . What to do?
Is your plant getting a lot of sun? It might be a good idea to move it to a more shady area, in particular on those very hot days.
Something is eating the leaves. What could it be?
Several insects may be interested in your Basil as the leaves (as we know) are delicious. Have a look at the back of each leaf to see if there is a caterpillar hiding. If the infestation is not severe, don't need to worry about it. In any case, do not use any nasty chemicals as this is an edible plant.