Bromeliads are a popular indoor plant with colourful leaves and a forgiving nature. It has a small flower and, in and outdoor setting, can provide habitat to beneficial insects and small frogs. In nature, Bromeliads are often epiphytic and cling to trees or other structures.
Care instructions
Light: low to lots of natural light but no direct sun. This plant is suitable to be grown in a balcony or a shaded and drought-free shelf.
Light: low to lots of natural light but no direct sun. This plant is suitable to be grown in a balcony or a shaded and drought-free shelf.
Watering: fill the outer pot with approximately 2 cm of water and refill when the water runs out. Don't worry if you forget to refill for a few days as the plant enjoys a wet-dry cycle. If you overfilled a bit this forgiving plant would not mind as long as it is placed in a warm area. When watering, you may pour extra water at the top of the plant, as this is how it collects water in its natural environment.
Re-potting: Bromelias are slow-growers so you don't need to worry about re-potting for a while. After a few months, and with the right care, the plant may start to grow pups out of the main stem. The pups can be cut at the base, and planted into a new pot, where they will grow new roots.
When the main plant has outgrown its pot, purchase a new pot from your nearest retailer or order one here (consider a larger vessel to give the plant room to grow).
Insert the wick into the new pot and fill a third of the insert with a high-quality potting mix.
Extract the overgrown plant with the soil and use your fingers to clean the roots from the old soil (you can leave it in water for a while to help the soil come off). Now, position the plant in the centre and cover the roots with fresh soil. Gently tap the inner cup on the table to compact the soil and eliminate air pockets (use a cloth to ensure the glass is not damaged). Repeat the same method for the other plants you split.
Insert the wick into the new pot and fill a third of the insert with a high-quality potting mix.
Extract the overgrown plant with the soil and use your fingers to clean the roots from the old soil (you can leave it in water for a while to help the soil come off). Now, position the plant in the centre and cover the roots with fresh soil. Gently tap the inner cup on the table to compact the soil and eliminate air pockets (use a cloth to ensure the glass is not damaged). Repeat the same method for the other plants you split.
Fun fact: exposing the plant to short periods of sun may turn the leaves of some varieties more red, or add colour spots to others.
Sad plant indicators
Brown leaves: Bromeliads' leaves die naturally and can be plucked with your hands or a pair or scissors. Broms are tropical plants and will benefit from humidity. Place them in a well-lit bathroom or add moisture to the leaves using a mister.